Sunday, October 11, 2009


If you haven't seen the movie Wall-E yet, GO! I saw it in theaters when it came out, but last week in class Dr. V was talking about ways we can save the world and it made me think of this movie. Not only was the hero Wall-E adorable, but the theme and basis of the movie really makes you think about the future. Granted, I doubt the state of our planet will get to the shape it was in in the movie, but there is a truth to be seen. If we don't start making improvements and changing our ways of life, that degradation could be in store. There is a strong movement towards green energy and renewable resources, but with the growing population and growing need for these resources, how can we keep up?

I read an article in Popular Science last year about saving the planet, and they had a two-page spread depicting the perfect future city. This metropolis was equipped with wave energy generators, skyline metro rails, energy capturing sidewalks, and an inner city produce farm. This is where the future lies, finding ways to efficiently use the resources we have to keep up with and possibly surpass their current need. If we don't start finding innovative solutions, we just might end up floating in space like Wall-E.

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