Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Still Like Bologna

Alan Jackson is a country legend and his latest single "I Still Like Bologna" is nothing less than expected. Not only are the kids in the music video absolutely adorable but the lyrics really ring true. The basic idea is that even though our world and technology is changing, he still appreciates the simple things of the past. I saw this video for the first time earlier this week and it really made me think about how true this is. Granted, I haven't been around as long as Alan Jackson, but even in my meager 19 years, its astounding how much things have changed. Thinking of cell phones, my first cell phone was about 5 inches long, an inch thick, and only displayed black and white text. Now (6 years later) I own a super slim, portable internet and gaming device, that oh yea is also a phone. This rapid change in technology is just unbelievable.

Like Alan says, "this digital world is okay, it makes life better in a lot of ways" but we need to be careful not to become carried away and take for granted all the little things. I've noticed this idea a lot recently, of people getting tied up in technology and forgetting to stop and smell the roses per say. Little kids are now raised with Nintendo D.S.'s glued to their hands, and parents likewise have bluetooth headsets permanently attached to their ears. As a society, we need to remember to step back from all the draws of technology and remember all the wonderful things that don't require a power cord. My dad is always the first one to tell me this and it almost kills me to say it now, but its true. Gone are the days when kids play hop-scotch in the streets, replaced with virtual tennis on Wii. Gone are the days of walking over to a friends house, replaced with a quick text message to see what's going on. Yes, technology is good we just need to be sure we use it in moderation.

Watch Alan Jackson's new music video at:


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