Friday, November 6, 2009

Starting your own business...

So the guest speaker in class last week was talking about entrepreneurship and being able to market yourself as a product. I thought this was a really interesting take on the subject. He compared education to product improvement, a resume as your technical specifications. It really made me realize that although entrepreneurship seems like a far away concept, as a college student I am already a personal entrepreneur.

Along these same lines, I visited a new ice cream shop this past weekend called Spoons. I later read up on it in the Battalion and it was actually an entrepreneurship project from students in the Maye's Business School. I was astounded at the great service and the innovative process their business employs. Instead of a regular ice cream shop where you place your order at a counter, Spoons implements a fully user friendly self serve and top process, where the final product is weighed to determine the price. It was a great idea and it really worked out well. I was really impressed, almost jealous that I hadn't come up with it myself!

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